The programme, later named "International Baccalaureate", was developed in the 1920’s as a universal course for the most capable students preparing them to enter universities worldwide. The initiators of unification and standardization of international education were the International School of Geneva and the United Nations School in New York. In 1968, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) was established. Previously, no single programme existed for secondary schools of different countries in the international community and, accordingly, no general system of examinations for university admission that was recognized in all countries. IBO was created for the development of personality "as a whole." The knowledge level of students completing IBO meets entrance examination requirements of institutions of different countries, containing all the best elements of various educational programmes.
IBO schools worldwide offer this programme because:
• IB gives students greater academic opportunities;
• IB meets the most stringent academic standards;
• IB standards are trusted by the administrations of the best universities worldwide;
• IB diploma is recognized in most countries.
International Baccalaureate offers three educational programmes:
• For preschool and primary school children aged 3-12 years (PYP);
• For primary school students aged 11-16 years old (MYP);
• For high school students aged 16-18 a diploma programme (DP).
Education institutions may enter IBO who share its philosophy and the corresponding high academic, social, technological standards binding for all member schools.
A school becomes a full member of one of the International Baccalaureate programmes based on authorization by the regional branch of IBO. To complete this procedure, a panel is created of about 30 regional experts, including Russian Federation representatives. As a rule, it takes two to three years from the date of the admission application to receive IBO authorization. This is the time allocated to prepare for the authorization, particularly including examining standard procedural documents, expanding resources, training school staff, and the gradual introduction of new teaching techniques.
Schools wishing to join the IBO must meet the following requirements:
1. Understanding by the school administration and teaching staff of IB educational philosophy and objectives and a willingness to follow them.
2. Commitment to internationalism and respect for the rights of the child.
3. Acceptance of IBO obligations by the administration and teaching staff.
4. Compliance with quality education and high academic standards in the school
5. Presence of gifted students with a high degree of motivation.
6. A stable teaching staff, including qualified subject teachers with a basic knowledge of at least one working IBO language (English, French, Spanish), which can be expanded through specially organized activities.
7. Teacher planning, which includes:
• Instructional and thematic planning on the subject;
• Implementation plans for areas of cooperation in the MYP programme and implementation plans for the CAS, focused on social activism and self-realization in the DP;
• Methodology and planning of the theory of knowledge course in the DP;
• Description of essential resources.
8. Equipment necessary for implementation of educational programmes of first priority:
• Well-equipped natural science laboratory;
• School library which fulfills modern demands, including reference, educational and literature in the mother tongue and working IBO languages;
• Extensive sports facilities;
• Provisions for engagement in the arts, including music and theater;
• Computer base for training students and teachers;
• Copier, fax and e-mail.
9. Financial provision, including funds needed to:
• Make regular contributions to IBO;
• Pay for teachers labour;
• Pay for IBO administration and programme coordinator;
• Retraining and raising qualifications of teachers and administrative staff;
• Creating libraries and laboratories.
10. Support from federal and local authorities of the school’s wishes to join IBO.
11. Support from parents and students of the school wishes to join IBO.
12. Willingness to work with nonschool organizations in their region, including higher education institutions, to involve them in IBO programmes.
"This system, certainly, effectively solves the problems of geographical and occupational mobility, as its graduates are fluent in two foreign languages, have a high level of training in information technology, possess a serious attitude toward their work skills, as well as a large amount of information embodied in skills, which provides the graduate a powerful start at the university (propaedeutic occupational mobility). It should be emphasized that the educational culture schools and universities which are a part of the IBO system is the same. It forms a culture of international educational space, which is ... more and more integrated and unified in content and subject configurations. "
External evaluation of the quality of education in the school includes IBO authorization, advisory and assessment visits by the Regional Office.
The authorization visit is conducted to determine how well the school’s philosophy and quality of education in its programmemes complies with IBO requirements. As a result of the visit, Director General decides to grant or deny the school’s application for admission to IBO. This visit, as noted above, shall be held no earlier than two years from the time of the school’s application for IBO admission.
The most important reason an IBO diploma is recognized by hundreds of universities in the world is its clear organization of the educational process and strict quality control of education.